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Communication Research Methods I

I took Communication Research Methods I during my Fall 2022 semester. In this class, I learned about traditional and nontraditional forms of collecting research. Within the course, I was assigned a final project which served as a culmination of research done by myself. For my project, I created surveys to determine the important characteristics of a room within a workplace for breastfeeding mothers.

This course was beneficial in providing an understanding of the different methods of research available and scenarios when they are most effective. Not having done a lot of previous research beyond surveying, this was incredibly insightful for future situations in which I might need to research.

Participants Assignment

In the participants assignment, I was tasked with learning more about the participants of my research, including any ethical considerations. 

Survey Questions Assignment

In the survey questions assignment, I created quantitative and qualitative questions that would be valuable to include in survey research. This included adding reasoning for how the question would effectively gather data. 

Focus Group Assignment 

In the focus group assignment, I created a hypothetical focus group and determined who would be involved, logistical information and the warm-up and wrap-up questions. 

Final Dream Project Assignment

The final dream project included a presentation and written report that included all data collected, conclusions driven from data and other pertinent information.

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