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Applied Work-Based Learning - 
SET Marketing Intern

For my applied work-based learning experience, I had the opportunity to be a marketing intern for ODU's Student Engagement and Traditions office. My primary requirements were to post updates and create content for SET social media accounts. This experience allowed me the opportunity to test out the skills I had previously learned in classroom. This position taught me more about targeting specific audiences, interpreting social media data and content creation aligning to a company's vision and aesthetic.

This internship is relevant to my future endeavors because it required me to think creatively and critically about the marketing materials I created and when I chose to put them out. This new found understanding of audiences and their preferences will help me form better connections with the audiences I encounter in future endeavors.

A Week in my Life as a SET Marketing Intern


Welcome to a week in my life as a marketing intern for ODU SET! 


At 8:30 a.m., I walk into SET and sit down in my office to prepare for the day. My first task is to look over the notes I left myself last Friday. This particular day, I need to make a Monarch Groups Monday and a highlight reel of the student organization events for this week! I take a digital trip to Canva and Monarch Groups to start working through them. Fast forward a couple hours and both posts are ready for posting. I post one and schedule the other before beginning some content ideas for grad week. I spend the rest of my shift brainstorming, testing some content ideas and checking out our analytics.


Another early morning walking into SET, waving good morning to everyone and settling into my office. I check my notes from Monday and get started on my tasks for the day. My main goal today is to work on a flyer for FSL and finish up some of my grad week content ideas. I start on the flyer, finish it up and then send it over for approval. Then, I get to work on refining and scheduling grad week content. This includes a fun throwback Thursday, Give 2 ODU post and a graphic with all the events for seniors to take part in. For the last hour, I planned out some content for finals week and planned for Friday!

On the job!


It isn't an early morning today! I'm out of office and my main goal for the day is to grab

some content pictures and videos to use in my reels and posts for this upcoming week.

I also finish up a finals week post and schedule it. Before I conclude my day, I peek

though my SMART goal for my internship. I have completed two of them: gaining a

total of 250 likes (I'm at 807 currently!) and creating engaging content following ODU

branding guidelines. There have not been many events for me to cover up until the end

of the year so I did not complete my goal to produce live coverage for five events. However, I really enjoyed  the opportunity I had to take out of office days for content. This allowed me to get content on campus that I used to stray away from the typical flyer-like posts.


On Fridays, I prep for the upcoming week! I know I'll ned to prepare either a student

organization event reel or Monarch Groups Monday post for Monday. I opt for an event

reel since there are a ton of fun end of year events coming up and check Monarch

Groups to see what kind of events will be happening. I also take a peek through the

scheduled posts to decide where my weekly content will fit in. One important thing I have

learned is finding the right time to post for your audience. After much trial and error, I

found between 10 and 11 a.m. is the best time to engage SET followers. I finish off my day

brainstorming in and creating some graphics for graduation and leave myself notes

for Monday Morning!

A Day as a SET Intern!

To see my complete internship analysis, click here!

Work Samples

One of my personal favorite ODU traditions!

Updated FSL

Senior Grad


Weekly student organization event reels

New Founders' Day

templates for FSL

A Taylor Swift

reference (of course!)

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