Emily Harrison
Old Dominion University Student
Applied Work-Based Learning -
Chartway Credit Union Marketing/Communications Intern
In the Summer 2024 semester, I had the opportunity to join the Chartway team as a marketing/communications intern. This internship challenged me in new ways as a communications student. In addition to my capstone project, I completed many daily tasks, and oftentimes had to reassess my priority tasks to meet the needs of the team. Nonetheless, this internship provided me a wealth of new knowledge, amazing connections and transferrable skills to utilize during my next adventure.
The Camera Roll of a Chartway Intern
Operation Find Brian at Topgolf!
Popular snacks in Chartway's 3 markets: Virginia, Utah and Texas!

New headshots!
Boogie the Bulldog!
Gifted to the sweetest little boy courtesy of the Chartway Promise Foundation and Make-A-Wish!
Overview of my Role
So what did I do?
You've seen the pictures of my 10 weeks but now I'll delve into the opportunities that landed on my desk:​
My capstone project for the summer: the crisis communication plan and templates. My key project this summer was the create a full crisis communication plan complete with templates that would cover any emergency situation Chartway may encounter. While I can delve into the contents, I can share the importance of having a crisis communication plan for any organization, regardless of industry, business size, etc.
Media Media Media! I had the opportunity to write many, many press releases this summer covering a vast range of topics. My personal favorite? Sharing the recognitions Chartway was honored with for their impact on both their members and team members.
Blog posts! I helped Chartway share their latest updates with their members via blog posts on Chartway.com.
To see a more in-depth analysis of my internship, visit my analysis blog page!