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Chartway Credit Union Internship Analysis

As part of my internship course, I'm required to provide an analysis on my internship experience. In the following questions, I'll address how Chartway supported me during the 10 weeks of my internship and my plans for the future!

  1. What did the internship do well?

In my role, I was provided tasks beyond my key project for the summer. This kept my 8-hour days filled with learning opportunities and allowed me to learn about the credit union industry and company culture. Speaking of company culture, throughout the internship, I was provided support from departments and teams across the credit union. I had facilitated learning sessions, lunch and learn opportunities with executives and more!

2. What would I do differently in a future work experience?

This is a challenging question because I have enjoyed my internship greatly. If in another work experience, I'd want to work more collaboratively with other teams. In the short time I did have to work with other teams, I learned a lot about how an organization needs collaboration.

3. Which SMART goals did I meet? Which did I not?

I met all of my SMART goals! My goals were centered around my main project: the crisis communication plan. I created all the templates needed along with a comprehensive plan to guide the credit union's communication strategies during a crisis.

4. What is next for me professionally?

I joined Chartway! I was offered the opportunity to spend a portion of the fall semester as a marketing/communications assistant, and I took it! I'll be spending 15 hours/week helping out the same teams as I did my internship.

5. How will I take action based on what I've learned during this internship?

This internship gave me a deeper understanding of what life as a communications professional looks like. I'm able to take the lessons I've learn and apply them to my coursework to become the most efficient, effective version of myself pre-career.

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